Pressing the “end call” on the 4.5 inch screen I continue my walk along the beach alone. At the horizon the red beauty is preparing for a farewell. Though crowd of unfamiliar unknown souls around have their own reasons to be here, copious to the roaring sea they help shade of the loneliness. This place has been a lure to me in many ways .When the plot of those special moments of my life were hosted here , how can I not feel so .i remember every second of the time I spend here. Precisely he owes the credit of bringing me here , introducing me to the epitome of natural beauty. Though a lot has changed ever since my first visit with him, the red beauty out at the end seems to stare at me with similar admiring loveliness.
It was one such evening of November: - The cold breeze was playing madly with my long hair, making me hyper aware of how my looks could get affected. Adding on to the nervousness of accompanying the man-chosen-to-be-my-man was these look concerns, word constrains, posture awareness. But then there he was so close least bothered about all these tensions , talking endlessly, adoring the nature. He had that impressive stand to stole my heart making me spellbound.
I was there to understand a bit of the person with whom I am to share my life, but he was there to realise my dream of owning a loving heart. We were not speaking anything romantic nor did we invade into each other’s list of likes and dislikes . That was the time I stood fidgeting my hand bag not wanting to wait anymore. I don’t remember the number of times we had been to this place, before and after marriage. We shared the same unsaid admiration, always. I had told him how stupendously he weed off my dilemma.
I was there to understand a bit of the person with whom I am to share my life, but he was there to realise my dream of owning a loving heart. We were not speaking anything romantic nor did we invade into each other’s list of likes and dislikes . That was the time I stood fidgeting my hand bag not wanting to wait anymore. I don’t remember the number of times we had been to this place, before and after marriage. We shared the same unsaid admiration, always. I had told him how stupendously he weed off my dilemma.
My Personal diary still contain the evidence of dilemma that lasted only till we met. “ The idea of marriage always eludes me. While dealing this topic I realise twenty years of being soaked in the terms and conditions of social living has not helped in attrition of the confusion and fear. There exist no specific reason to attenuate the dilemma . May be this is an obvious part of life. As they say “There is always a right time to do the right thing!”. If not tomorrow , obviously there is a day waiting to make me special, from then on a smidgeon of love and care would make big difference! Flabbergasting the whole of my world , my marriage date is announced. He who is chosen to be my man is expected to enthral me in the new beginning of life. Since I know the date I have shelved the debate on “arranged marriage vs love marriage”. Its seems pointless to continue the same endlessly, because I know an annihilation will widen the dilemma. “ I plainly remember him laughing uproariously after reading the same. He remembered it so thoroughly , even after years he would sarcastically quote my lines to see me shun away the topic with a smile.
Its destiny that plaited our ways to be hence loved and lived. It seems the decades ticked away so fast , its Sidhu who reminds me about the time. Sidhu alias Sidharth Takar our son with more resemblance to his dad, is just back from US to join the Indian main branch of his MNC. Today I am a proud mother to see my son realise his dads dreams. He is greatly influenced by his dad that he prioritise the filial duties above all. This son and dad had made my life incredibly beautiful in all possible ways, my gratitude to the same old destiny . And I know how much he miss his dad. He had to negotiate a lot with his officials to be placed back to India, though I was sure my son with the ways of his dad would come back to me.
My phone started ringing again “sidhu calling” with a close up pic of his smile says the screen. Reminding me of the time he reassured to join me in 10 min. It’s the second call ever since I reached the beach. This time refreshing the years old memories i wait for my son there at the most important place of my life. It was my choice to meet here, just letting the red beauty to mesmerise his life too , the way it did mine. He is introducing me his love. He wanted the two most important women of his life to meet. I think this is the best place. Thinking of the tension I had meeting his dad, I feel the irony . Here my son had made his choice just like his dad impressively steeling the heart of his girl. Today I find the balance for an old debate. Pulling me back to the shore there my son waves at me, with him is a long haired girl reminding my first day here. I was keen on making her comfortable and I know the man next to her is perfect for that.
Sun drowned the aisle fading its crimson lights down to dusk. Irony , Isn’t it.? How life and love follow the nature. Cycle that keeps the human kind alive . A hope for life, That the love shall live to see another day, like this sun now gone promise to rise. After a long conversation leaving them alone there, I walk away from the roaring sea in a hurry to mark the day in my diary. “again the idea of marriage! When I know how entwined they are. Its pointless to worry about the rest. Let they take their share of credits for finding each other and leading their life!”
This piece of note would simply remain there, as the man who put off the fire of my tension with his boundless care and affection is no more to sarcastically quote my line. I miss him, at this stage of life when I completely found the two most important men of my life had won the debate in their own ways…… !!
NOTE: obviously its not my kind of topic! the attempt is as a part of helping my sister.. now towards the end u may feel too much of philosophy with a magic of poetic imagination , and a matching tittle my gratitude to my blogger frnd " the guy who writes titles and fix two liners" (quoting the blogger himself) !! but u r too good no matter how much we debate!! :P also my thanks for all my frnds who gave me their feed backs on special request!!
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