It happenzzzzz..............
Its been queit some time since i have signed in to my blog! after a small break i am back. Back after regaining the normal levels n tracks of my thoughts... To my readers the following post is about n for some personal reasons
Life is always an unsolved puzzle for me.It teaches you to laugh, smile , cry,grudge and all that. To state and quote there exist thousands and thousands of times i have had all these feelings. All that are piled and named as 'memmories'.Memmories that could cheer me, let my eyes fill with tears, at times make myself feel "how kiddish???!!!""what nonsence??!!" etc.....etc. "Smile" is the most appreciated feel that everyone including me like to hold on.But neither god nor life nvea let us to keep smiling allways.. "Cry" - is yet another feel that happens with no involuntary impulses.But the stimulating sorrow that strike down the life unexpectedly would voulantarly let your eyes fill with the so called salty liquid. I am no1 to conclude that today was the "best day evea" or the "worst day evea" as i hold no wand that regulate my coming days.Too much of optimism in me somewhere recommends "hey wt if tomorrow is even better". The very same optimist is forced to shake hands with the pesimist to say tomarrows can be worser than todays. I am not in a world-weary state to talk all this. Its the happenings that realy piqued me to think!! it took some efforts to relax, feel the breaze , smell the air , to think, stay calm and finally to refresh the idea ,ending in bloging the same!! When life gifts me the best -worst times its the determinism and strength in me that make me conclude "it happens in life"!! But now dawn and dusk have blessed me with days when i blindly search for my own sound to voice the old ethusiastic conclusion. Where the chatterbox had to give up dissolving into the overwhelming silence. When things go unexpectedly drastic like never before i find nowhr peaceful, none consoling, nothing reliable. may be its the inbuilt trait in every human!!Its the only time i felt despised of loosing the innocence i once posessed . as a recent fb status said 'The times when i feel to refuse the sense of gaind maturity and regain n retain the lilte gal's innosence.........."!!when in journey of life i hav nothng else to do but pray for better and hope for the best!! Where in the stage of life i have no dialogs left no acts assigned but a mandatory posture marking the presence to see the worst, swallow the bitter, stay silent.
The hard to digest fact is being pondered among the rest that a disturbed mind is all that i am remained with. It required a fathom observation over my tracks of thoughts to finaly proclaim "everything is part f life". Relating to books i read,there exist pages that i dare reading again so is the times/ stages/ roles in life. There is no point in being garrulous, sensitive , emotional (ofcourse in the hearts of heart i am) about tough times. At the end life is defined only as the matter of milestones rather than the huddles crossed, where the frustrations, disturbances , disasters i faced may not even counted for bonous. They are much similar to the shadows in the dark, that hardly anybody cares. Holding the partialy charming smile , i have no idea when i get releaved to regain the charm. But have regained the optimist to strongly conclude "it happens in life , sometymes to psych myself up".
perhaps its preparing myself to pretend!!!!!!let everything happens for a bettr tomorrow........
(I dont know if any1 sensed a pragmatic approch, anyway its my first expedition with my own thoughts and pen!!)

The hard to digest fact is being pondered among the rest that a disturbed mind is all that i am remained with. It required a fathom observation over my tracks of thoughts to finaly proclaim "everything is part f life". Relating to books i read,there exist pages that i dare reading again so is the times/ stages/ roles in life. There is no point in being garrulous, sensitive , emotional (ofcourse in the hearts of heart i am) about tough times. At the end life is defined only as the matter of milestones rather than the huddles crossed, where the frustrations, disturbances , disasters i faced may not even counted for bonous. They are much similar to the shadows in the dark, that hardly anybody cares. Holding the partialy charming smile , i have no idea when i get releaved to regain the charm. But have regained the optimist to strongly conclude "it happens in life , sometymes to psych myself up".
perhaps its preparing myself to pretend!!!!!!let everything happens for a bettr tomorrow........
(I dont know if any1 sensed a pragmatic approch, anyway its my first expedition with my own thoughts and pen!!)
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