@ twenty!!!
Finally I am twenty!! Its two decades since I am into this world of life. To the people who know me the best can understand the style that I prefer to state the same. this post here may not be the best as its an attempt to explain about myself. To quote my cousins there exist none in ma family who celebrate birthdays like I do. A customary schedule has evolved without my own knowledge. Color papers, balloons, cakes, chocolates ,gifts , hearing my bdae song being sung by the lil tots in family.. omg it’s a day!! At the end before I call of my day I use to wonder ‘how special they all make my day?’. Its neither my dad nor mom who got to worry arranging things it’s the rest. I even had celebrated my bdae cutting two cakes together. For all this I am great full to my own fate. That brought me reach my mom on may 6 (the summer holiday.after vishu :P.). May 6 , 1993 : ‘budha pournami..’ the only day I cried at my mom’s smile.. its then a journey perfectly a roller coaster ri...